ウォンさんからメッセージ |
Hi Tocchan, genki desu ka?
First of all I want to apologise for sending this mail lately. Initially,
I want to write this in japan language, but I found it is too difficult
to me soon, so I gived up.
It is the second week after I be in Japan, Tocchan gave me the ramen training
lesson, it took two days to make a ramen, from 'men' to soup, all by Tocchan
sinse secret recipe! 100percent home-made!
At the beginning I was try to take notes on the ramen-making rocess, but
soon I found that Tocchan sinse used lots of secret ingredient on the 'men'
and the quantity usage is very precise, it is so complicated that i stopped
to jotting note on it. I think all the ingredients usage are
discovered and researched by Tocchan himself, from many source, books to
internet, I think he must had spended lots of time on it. During the noodles
process, everything is not easy, it needs time and expecience to make every
single noodle to be in the same size and length, and the times of 'massaging'
the noodle are very important in determining the noodle is smooth and oishii.
I take part almost all the noodle-making process, it was very interesting
and funny for a first-timer, hehe.
On the second day of ramen-training, the soup has been prepared by Tocchan
sinse, it took many hours to cook, so that the soup was delicios and tasty.
During the soup was cooking, we gained our time to make gyoza, which I
think is a very very oishii food, I love gyoza that day so much, I still
keeping the taste in my mind until today, hehe. The gyoza was wrapped Madam
sinse, she is a very kind-hearted woman, she teached me how to wrap good-looking
gyoza, but I always ruined it, it seems easy, but it is not.
After two days hard work, ramen finally turned out to be sunday's dinner.
Tocchan said that it took two day hard work on a bowl of ramen but just
cost 10minutes to finish it. But I think it is worth on such a delicious
meal, dont you think so?
It is a good memory on the ramen training, I would never forget, wish that
I could have chance to join Tocchan to cook together some other time :
Thanks to Mr and Mrs.Tocchan.
God bless.
Wayne Wong